This is such a great idea!

It's funny as I think this is how humans used to live for much of ancient history in multi-generational households? that was normal.

Funny how things come full circle.

I was wondering, do you think this is more likely to take off in different cultures more? for example in the west are certain countries more open to this, such as southern europe? and are southern hemisphere countries more likely to adopt this due to cultural values?

Curious as to your thoughts on this..

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Very interesting points Pranath! I believe there will be areas where this is embraced more than others. You are right this is already very culturally acceptable in certain cultures. It is somewhat "new" to the US due to the amount of wealth creation the past 50 years. This has led to a point in our country where we all expect to live without other generations in larger homes than are necessary. So I think your point about things coming full circle is an especially good one.

It seems the South and West parts of the country are embracing this more today than the Northeast. This is because of Baby Boomers moving to the Sunbelt and Southwest as well as the large number of Central and South American immigrants in these areas as well. I believe this multigenerational housing concept is a great investment opportunity and my partners and I are looking at ways to capitalize on it.

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Thanks that makes a lot of sense 🙂👍

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